on neocities
off neocities
- lockwiki - wiki dedicated to the security and compromise of locks, safes and keys.
- masterwiki - stolen from masterclass, republished as wikihow.
- touhou wiki - comprehensive touhou wiki.
- /edu/ - leftypol's education board.
- library genesis - huge library consisting of books, articles, et cetera.
- prolewiki - the proletarian encyclopedia.
- honk.moe - will you accept chen into your heart?
- mikutap - just fucking click the link, bro. it's fun.
- fuckugram - know someone you really hate? this website will send them an email fuelled by your rage.
- unomoralez - seems to be an art project...? it's kinda rad.
- r/nosleep - scary shit. (not really)
- vore.net - site dedicated to vore. mostly focused on animals.
- eka's portal - art community focused on vore. it's kinda funny.
- encyclopedia dramatica - satirical wiki. it contains a shit ton of offensive content but there are some gems.
- 'guts' by chuck palahniuk - i fucking love this story. content warning for flashing lights.
- church of euthanasia - save the planet, kill yourself.
miscellaneous / oddities / ???
- 4chan - this needs no introduction, i'm sure.
- 1chan - imageboard focused on trains.
- uboachan - imageboard dedicated to yume nikki.
- ylilauta - finnish imageboard. non-finns usually hang out on /international/. ylilauta used to be good, but it kinda sucks now.
- karachan - polish imageboard. instructions on how to access here. probably won't appeal to non-poles.
- gurochan - i used to frequent this site a lot as an edgy 14 year old. guro imageboard with a focus on art.
- leftypol - leftist imageboard. i don't really know what else to say for this one.
- 22chan - it kiiinda looks like old 4chan. kinda.
- lainchan - "the lainchan community is to you what you want it to be. what do you want it to be?" src
- wirechan - imageboard with a range of cyberpunk, alternative and esoteric boards.
- futaba channel - futaba channel translated into english.
- endchan - imageboard with a shitton of boards!
- belchan - belarusian imageboard. has a link to nichan.net's /int/.