
[ the basics ]

my name is tola and i'm the biggest degenerate freak in scandinavia. this website is my little home in the dystopian wasteland known as the internet. this is a land filled with impossibly tall panel buildings, heavily condensed with fog, and i am its mayor.

i am an actually autistic 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴azoid degenerate, a body odour enjoyer, and legitimately intellectually disabled. i will not match your freak; i will surpass it. i have, or have had, almost every fetish under the sun. curious? just ask. i'm very mentally ill, as you may be able to glean from just reading what i've written so far. i'm not part of god's well-oiled machine. i'm not the most interesting creature out there, i'm afraid. most of my time is spent thinking about my original characters. (it's totally not escapism you guys!!!)

made with koinuko.pink's marriage certification maker <3

[ interests & misc. information ]

likes cats, horror films, guro, writing, music, tea, nighttime, linux, animals, cute things, dolls, teeth, the concept of horror vacui, the macabre, cigarettes, coolth
dislikes bright light, most insects, loud noises, summer, socialising, wasps, being in pain, warmth
hobbies playing touhou, drawing, coding, browsing 4chan (especially /g/), thinking about my OCs, browsing the feet tag on gelbooru, psychologically torturing myself
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